Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Mykonos & Athens

Saturday 22/5 was Mykonos and Delos. Firstly we were ferried out to the island of Delos. Here are the most extensive and unrestored ruins in the whole of Europe. It rained while on the island and because they are preserving everything as it was found we were tramping around on the dirt and grass in the wet. But it was still amazing to see these ruins, particularly the Lions Terrace. From their we went back to the ship, got changed, had lunch and caught the shuttle bus into Mykonos. What a great little town...we got lost in the tiny streets and alleys, but remembered the motto..If you get lost, just head downhill" as downhill leads to the harbour. It brought an water colour of some buildings right on the water and during our explorations we even found the buildings and got a photo as well. We all loved Mykonos and would go back there again.
Sunday as Athens day. Pam was not well so Kev, Shayne and I headed out. Firstly we travelled and hour out of the city to see the Temple of Posieden perched way out atop a huge cliff...pretty awesome. Then into the city for a city tour of the main sights and finally to the Acropolis and Parthenon. What can I say...the Parthenon is awesomely beautiful. Shopping in the Plaka district and then home.

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