Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Latest from Europe

Okay so after Lucca we docked in Naples and the tour we did was a hike to the top of Mt Vesuvuis and tour of Pompeii. The road up the side of the mountain is a very narrow road the switches back and forth all the way up and the bus takes up the whole road around the corners...very hairy...we almost took out a BMW on one corner. Eventually we reached the tiny car park and then had to hike up to the summit where another guide was waiting for us. And hike it was...just a volcanic gravel path almost straight up the side of the mountain for about a kilometre !!! Phew. But it was so worth it the view was awesome ! We then went to Pompeii. The souvenir shops and touters are something to see to believe. Pompeii was amazing. We spent only 2 hours there and saw on a small portion. We saw the Bakery complete with wood fire oven, the bar, the brothel with 5 stone beds...ouch !! We saw the plaster casts of 2 people who died and the pained expressions on their faces is something we won't forget.

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